Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Another year in Lugo

Sorry it's been a while since we've posted, but we haven't had much of anything to say lately. But, now we have an announcement: We'll be staying another year! This means we won't get to come home to visit this year, but we hope that will give any of you who want to visit us more time to plan a trip :)

Also, this summer, I will be teaching in Guernsey (a British island off the coast of France) for three weeks while Jon does an intensive Spanish course in a bigger city nearby. We're still deciding what to do the rest of the summer because it will depend on cash flow and visitors' schedules. We know we at least want to go to Italy, and maybe Portugal since we're so close to it.

Another big piece of news is that Jon will be teaching with me at the academy in the fall, which is great news for our bank account!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are going excellently. I'm super happy for you (and still jealous - you gotta tell me how you found this gig). :)

heather said...

Awesome news!!

You definitely need to go see Italy. Matt spent about 6 months there when he was in the military and he loved it. If you'd like I can ask him the names of some of the great non-touristy, off the beaten path places.

I wish I could come for a visit, but it's not in my budget (among other things).
Take lots of pictures and have a great time.